The expected outputs of the project are:
A deep understanding of the current state-of-the-art and practice on freight exchange platforms
The detailed assessment of local and transnational road freight transport conditions
A platform tailor-made to the specific needs and requirements of several stakeholders
A set of unique value-added services that meet user needs and requirements
The truck driver simulator tool to support and enhance the value-added services
Pilot-run and evaluation of the platform and services

The successful delivery of the project’s main outputs proves to be an important prerequisite for the development of its final product and the realization of its overall objective. More specifically, a deep understanding of the state-of-the-art and practice on freight exchange platforms and the detailed assessment of local and transnational road freight transport conditions will enable to design and develop a platform tailor-made to the specific needs and requirements of relevant stakeholders. Regular industry assessments will ensure that all developed functions and services fully meet industry expectations and provide the expected benefits. Once completed, the SCOPE platform will be a valuable tool efficiently connecting shipper and carrier operations, providing value-added services and contributing towards minimizing operating costs, improving capacity and vehicle utilization, increasing load and fuel efficiency and reducing empty trips.
The SCOPE platform will provide to its users (especially to SMEs) access to new markets and customers offering significant business opportunities supporting their viability in the sector. Shippers will have better access to road freight transport services especially for LTL shipments which are often costly and not preferred by the carriers. For carriers, the use of the platform may result in better fleet and vehicle capacity utilization, improved load and fuel efficiency, reduced empty trips, improved corporate image, reduced unproductive vehicle time, better advertising of their services, improved revenue stream. The aforementioned efficiencies will also provide major environmental benefits improving the quality of life in the Balkan-Med region.