Two (2) paper presentations were accepted and presented in the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Design (23-24/10/2021 – Virtual venue) and was created by D. Nalmpantis (AUTh/TSRG). More information about the presentation can be found here.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tirana (CCIT) has published a description about a 3-day fair organized by CCIT in Tirana and other cities, in order to promote SCOPE project and also identify local stakeholders.. More information can be found here:
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tirana (CCIT) has published a description about the 3rd project meeting info on their public website. More information can be found here:
The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) articles publishes about SCOPE platform alpha version testing phase between project stakeholders through the daily bulletin of BCCI – Infobusiness. More information can be found in these links:
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tirana (CCIT) has published a main description of the SCOPE project
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tirana (CCIT) has published a main description of the SCOPE project in their organizations’ webpage.
More information can be found here:
The Regional Industrial Association – Smolyan (RIA Smolyan) as one of the major consortium partners have published more information about the Interreg Balkan-med “SCOPE” project that launched its work during a successful Kick-off Meeting at the premises of CERTH/HIT offices in Thessaloniki. More information can be found here:
The publication of a new article entitled “Digitalization in freight transport services: Balkan area”, by A. Akac, A. Anagnostopoulou (CERTH-HIT) and D. Nalmpantis (AUTh/TSRG) was submitted and presented in the 5th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Virtual CSUM2020. The published article can be found here.
A poster presentation was accepted in the 2nd International Conference “Intermodal Transports” (11-14/3/2020 in Alexandroupolis, Greece) and was created by D. Nalmpantis (AUTh/TSRG), although it was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. More information about the presentation can be found here.
A presentation of SCOPE D3.1 &D4.1 outcome was held in “Webinar on Transport in the Balkan and Black Sea region” on 19th November 2020. More information about the presentation can be found here