Two (2) paper presentations were accepted and presented in the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Design (23-24/10/2021 – Virtual venue) and was created by D. Nalmpantis (AUTh/TSRG). More information about the presentation can be found here.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tirana (CCIT) has published a description about a 3-day fair organized by CCIT in Tirana and other cities, in order to promote SCOPE project and also identify local stakeholders.. More information can be found here:
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tirana (CCIT) has published a description about the 3rd project meeting info on their public website. More information can be found here:
The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) articles publishes about SCOPE platform alpha version testing phase between project stakeholders through the daily bulletin of BCCI – Infobusiness. More information can be found in these links:
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tirana (CCIT) has published a main description of the SCOPE project
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tirana (CCIT) has published a main description of the SCOPE project in their organizations’ webpage.
More information can be found here:
The Regional Industrial Association – Smolyan (RIA Smolyan) as one of the major consortium partners have published more information about the Interreg Balkan-med “SCOPE” project that launched its work during a successful Kick-off Meeting at the premises of CERTH/HIT offices in Thessaloniki. More information can be found here:
The publication of a new article entitled “Digitalization in freight transport services: Balkan area”, by A. Akac, A. Anagnostopoulou (CERTH-HIT) and D. Nalmpantis (AUTh/TSRG) was submitted and presented in the 5th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Virtual CSUM2020. The published article can be found here.
A poster presentation was accepted in the 2nd International Conference “Intermodal Transports” (11-14/3/2020 in Alexandroupolis, Greece) and was created by D. Nalmpantis (AUTh/TSRG), although it was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. More information about the presentation can be found here.
A presentation of SCOPE D3.1 &D4.1 outcome was held in “Webinar on Transport in the Balkan and Black Sea region” on 19th November 2020. More information about the presentation can be found here
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tirana (CCIT) has published a description about the 2nd project meeting info on their public website. More information can be found here: